The urban legend worth believing
[Things that make your day, as the name suggests are a series of short blogs that will be a celebration of hope, talent, love, beauty and life ]

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There is an urban legend in Thailand about a doctor who repays back his old debt. Everyday we come across stories floating across in social media, internet and community grapevine. There are unverified stories of deceit, violence, propaganda on one side and stories of hope, positivity and harmony on the other. From this pile we choose to believe in the truth of the legends as per our inclinations and comfort.

I am thankful and proud that I choose to believe this legend of Dr. Prajak Arunthong. I believe that this is a true story. And there are more such stories. Watch for yourself:

This is an advertisement that was created by TrueMove H for a Thai Telecom company and it has to be one of the best  advertisements ever (already more than 7M views at the time of writing).
[Contributed by +Nikita Amartya , Originally sourced from ]

{ 73 comments ... read them below or Comment }

  1. Same as the story of the Glass of Milk...And yes it is very good Video. Salute for those Doctors who are working to help not for money :-)

    1. I agree Jason. One of the best I have seen

    2. Orbis......Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

  2. Quiero creer en esta historia....porque quiero creer en la humanidad que hay en muchas personas, he visto médicos y profesionales bueno creer en que esta historia sea real, además uno no se cansa de mirarla

  3. Quiero creer en esta historia....porque quiero creer en la humanidad que hay en muchas personas, he visto médicos y profesionales bueno creer en que esta historia sea real, además uno no se cansa de mirarla

  4. Such godly people are saving the earth.

  5. Such godly people are saving the earth.

  6. Creer o no creer,esa es la cuestión,pero si ves al mundo,Natalia Gonzalez.,con ojos esperanzadores,encontraras a muchos Dres.Prayak...en Maestros,Estudiantes,Obreros,en Madres,Padres, y en muchos otros seres humanos,que sin tener una profesión definida,con su amor y humildad,hacen que valoremos nuestras vidas en este mundo...estoy de acuerdo con tu comentario y espero que hagas bien y no mires a quién,Dios te bendiga..

  7. If everyone of us, instead of just getting emotional with the video, takes action a act in accordance, the world would be different. Most probably, after a few minutes of watching the video, will forget about it. A few weeks ago, a similar story came to me from friends on Facebook. I told them about an orphanage in the city of Arequipa in Peru, where children are rescued. Nobody asked how to help. Funny is, they all made emotional comments and cried with the video.......let others be good and help; we will cry and applaud them.

    1. @Alessa So true. So true indeed. But then Good stories must be told and retold. For they nurture hope. And as Stephen King says "Hope is a good thing. May be it is one of the best things. And no good thing ever dies."

  8. Nice video and true inspiration.

  9. This is my story

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