At times credited to Maurice Utrillo,  This is taken from the movie “Modigliani” directed by Mick Davis 2004

Was mad to have loved You
Was mad to have let go my friends for You
Was mad to have let go my dreams for You
Was mad to have endured deep pain for You
And then after countless nights devoid of sleep
When no water was left in my eyes to weep 
                                                           ... I turned wise
Wise to love someone more beautiful than You
Wise to win back friends and not let them go.
Wise to find new dreams and pursue them
Wise to get over pain and discover life again.
In some private moments though,
when my wisdom leaves me alone
My heart takes over
Just to let me know
Maddest thing I have ever done
   is to let that Madness go...

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[ This is one of the Guest blogs by The Conscientious Elder ( Identity withheld upon request) ]
[ Please comment so that the original author can get your appreciations or feedback ]

{ 30 comments ... read them below or Comment }

  1. Wao nice lines... Who wrote these? Who made these words like these kind of meaningful thoughts???


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